Child Development Project Officer

Sulagna Hore

Contact & Communication:

Office: 03473-212174 ,
Mobile: 9434505163 ,
Fax: ,
Office address: Office of the Child Development Project Officer, Ranaghat-II ICDS Project,Dey Chowdhury Super Market, 1st Floor, Rathtala,P.O:-Ranaghat, Pin-741201,Nadia.
General Description :

General Description :

i) Year of sanction:- The Ranaghat-II ICDS Project was sanctioned in the financial year 1989-90 and started functioning in the year 1990 with 211 numbersAnganWadiCentres. Later the no. of AnganwadiCentres increased in three phases and now it is 564.

ii) Present status:-

Status of AnganwadiCentres
AWC Sanctioned AWC Operational AWC in Own Building AWC  in Pry School AWC in Other Govt. Building AWC in Private House AWC in open space AWC having Toilet Facilities AWC having own Drinking water facilities
564 564 82 81 24 298 79 178 40
Status of Anganwadi Worker &Anganwadi Helper
  Anganwadi Worker Anganwadi Helper
Sanctioned 564 564
In position 510 340
Recruitment status Written examination held on 21-09-2014. Written examination held on 21-09-2014.
Staff Position
  CDPO ACDPO Supervisor UDA LDA Store keeper Driver Peon Night Guard
Sanctioned 1 2 25 3 1 1 2 3 1
In position 1 0 13 (1 Deputed at Krishnaganj ICDS Project) 1 1 1 2(1Deputed at D.M. office, Krishnanagar) 3 1
Status of beneficiaries(Oct,14)
Sl. No. Categories No. of beneficiaries
1 0-6 yrs. Children 32273
2 Pregnant & Nursing Mothers 5701
3 Pre School children 14769
4 Severely malnourished children 75
5 SABLA Beneficiaries 19828
Weighing efficiency

New Management Information System has been introduced in Ranaghat-II ICDS Project.The 2nd phase training of 510 AWWs has been completed and the new registers will be started from 1st December,2014.

Work Description(Type of work/services provided)

a)ICDS Services

With a view to improve nutritional and health status of children in the age group of 0-6 years and to impart proper nutrition and health education to the mothers (Pregnant and Nursing)of Ranaghat-II ICDS Project so that holistic development of the child is achieved and IMR, MMR, Malnourishment, morbidity is reduced, thefollowing services under Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS)are catered -

i) Supplementary Nutrition to 6m- 6 yrs. children and pregnant and Nursing Mother.
ii) Immunization.
iii) Health Checkupfor pregnant women and children.
iv) Referral services (to Hospitals & Health Centres).
v) Pre-school non-formal education to 3- 6yrs. Children.
vi) Health and nutrition education to women in age group of 15 to 45 yrs.


It is a programme for empowerment of Adolescent girls dwelling in the age group 11- 18 yrs. The Adolescent girls are being empowered by this programme through some trainings on vocational course, ARSH, Life skill education, NHE etc. The Adolescent girls become aware of their health, hygiene,services available in different Government offices, Social issues, necessity to revert to school etc. through this programme. IFA Tablet and Deworming tablets are also given in this programme to the out of school adolescent girls so that they can get rid of anaemia and worm infection. There is also provision for giving food to Adolescent girls (14-18yrs.&out of School ) for reducing malnutrition among them.

c) Issuance of identity card to Persons with Disability:

Identity cards are issued from this office to the persons having disability certificate from the competent medical authority and resident of Ranaghat-II PanchayetSamity& Coopers Notified Area.Thesuvey of the Persons with Disability also is also done by this office.


It is an unique programme launched by Nadia Disrict Authority in Ranaghat-II ICDS Project also to upgrade the Severely Malnourished Children in AnganwadiCentres through organizing special Medical Camp at local level for the Severely Malnourished Children and providing additional special nutritious food to them. Anganwadi Workers & ASHAs are tagged for close monitoring.

e) Convergence with other Department

In convergence with Ranaghat-II Block Health Authority active participation is made in Pulse Polio,FilariaProgramme etc. Also take part in development & other works keeping close liaison with the Block Administrative Authority .

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