General Description : The Irrigation & Waterways Department executes projects or works, which include Navigation, Embankment, Drainage and Water Storage Works (Dam, Barrage, Reservoir etc) Canal Projects (canal, hydraulic structure like sluice, aqueducts, Regulator, Falls etc) Building Projects, Road Projects (Road & bridge, CD structure etc), River training works, river bank protection work, erosion work, flood protection & control work, de-siltation of drainage channel Recently department started dealing with also sand quarry, etc.
However Ranaghat Irrigation Sub-Division at present mainly dealt with the river bank protection scheme & palliative works, erosion works, Construction/maintenance of flood protection embankment, hydraulic structures like sluice & bridges & bathing ghat & their maintenance work, de-siltation of drainage channel etc depending on feasibility, importance, people demand and availability of fund.
Different Forms used : Bengal Form No., 2928, 2911, 2908(Tender form), 2900(measurement book), Indent form-7 TR-7, Form-28(Hand receipt), Form-55(Advance of transfer Debit/Credit), PWA-1(Cash book), etc. Soft copy is under preparation.