The Block is consisting of 14 (Fourteen)Gram Panchayat namely
out of which male- 189353 and female- 179046 and others 4 covering 273.66 sqkm. Land area. This Ranaghat-II Dev. Block is located at the South -East part of Nadia district bordering Bangladesh at Duttapulia Gram Panchayat. Govt. initiatives are reaching to the every corner of this Block through various scheme s for rapid and meaningful improvement of the socio- economic condition and standard of living of people. Agriculture is the main earning source and profession of the people of this Block. Flower cultivation is a remarkable profession of a good number of farmers of this Locality.
Though the major part of the local people are agriculture based still some people are engaged in small scale industry and cottage industry, some are in business and some are in govt. jobs, private sector jobs.
This Block is served by three Police Stations namely
There are 187 pry. Schools, 18 Jr. High schools, 11 High Schools, 21 Higher Secondary Schools, 41 SSKS, 2 MSKS, 3 NCLP schools, 1Madrasha and 1 Collage in this Block area from where the students of this Block get education.
Mid-Day Meal is provided to the students of this locality through 187 Pry. Schools, 13 Jr. High Schools , 5 High Schools and 28 Higher Secondary Schools.There are 1 Pry. Health Centre and 31 Sub-Centres.
The river Churni demarkets the Ranaghat-I & Ranaghat-II Block at Raghunathpur Hijuli-I & Raghunathpur Hijuli-II G.P. and the river Ichamati demarkets the India-Bangladesh Border at Duttapulia G.P.
6 Gram Panchayats of the block fall under89 Ranaghat-North East (SC) Assembly Constituency and 8 Gram Panchayats fall under the 90 Ranaghat Dakshin (SC)Assembly Constituency.
At present total No. of Voters of thisBlock is 2,86,868 (Male- 1,48,802 and Female-1,38,066) They cast their votes from 367 polling Stations
Execution of various developmental schematic works under B.A.D.P., B.E.U.P. 13th Finance Commission, 3rd State Finance Commission, D.O.M.A., MPLADS, NREGA etc., Distribution of Individual Benefit schemes like as N.F.B.S., I.G.N.O.A.P.S., I.G.N.W.P.S., I.G.N.D.P.S., I.A.Y., O.A.P., W.P., D.P., T.S.P., S.C.P., Kannyashree, Yubashree, Shikhashree etc.