General Description : As per record, it is found that the function of ICDS Project of Ranaghat-I was started in the year 1995 . On that time 163 [ one hundred sixty three ] Anganwadi Centres were opened . In the year 2007 another 101 [ one hundred one ] were sanctioned as phase I .In the year 2009 another 133 [ one hundred thirty three ] centres were opened . At present 397 [ three hundred ninety seven] Centres are being run in the project . Subsequently as per order of the Department, this project was bifurcated in the year 2012 into Ranaghat- I ICDS Project and Ranaghat I ( Addl. ) ICDS Project within the same establishment.Some of the existing details of the two projects are being reflected below.
Beneficiaries of Ranaghat- I ICDS Project as on 31.10.2014
No of 0-3 yrs children : 6262
No. of 3-6 yrs children : 4635
No. of severely malnourished : 02 children
No. of pregnant woman and : 1776nursing mother
Beneficiaries of Ranaghat- I [ Addl.] ICDS Project as on 31.10.2014
No of 0-3 yrs children : 7425
No. of 3-6 yrs children: 4845
No. of severely malnourished : 09 children
No. of pregnant woman and: 2128 nursing mother
Status of Ranaghat- I ICDS Project
AWC | CDPO | ACDPO | Supervisors | AWWs | AWHs | ||||||
Sanctioned |
Reporting |
Sanctioned | In position | Sanc. | In position | Sanc. | In position | Sanc. | In position | Sanc. | In position |
191 | 191 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 0 | 08 | 06 | 191 | 167 | 191 | 184 |
Status of Ranaghat [ Addl .] ICDS Project
AWC | CDPO | ACDPO | Supervisors | AWWs | AWHs | ||||||
Sanctioned |
Reporting |
Sanctioned | In position | Sanc. | In position | Sanc. | In position | Sanc. | In position | Sanc. | In position |
206 | 206 | 01 | 0 | 01 | 0 | 09 | 0 | 206 | 177 | 206 | 200 |
Staff Position of Ranaghat ICDS Project
Sl No | Designation | Sanctioned | In position |
1 | Accountant/ UDC | 02 | 02 |
2 | Grade Typist cum store keeper | 01 | 01 |
Cashier cum LDA | 01 | 0 |
4 | Driver | 01 | 01 |
Group D | 02 | 02 |
Each and every Agnawadi centre 3-6 yrs children are being pre-educated to create a base for proper mental, physical and social development of children. They are also to make readiness of getting admission of Primary School . Pre-school activities in an Anganwadi Centres are planned and organized to promote holistic development children .Basic kits [ TLM] for pre-school activities is provided to Anganwadi centres.
Supplementary food is provided for 300 days in a year i.e 25 days per month . The hot meal are being supplied to pregnant mother and nursing mother 06months - 06yrs from the Anganwadi centre . Food selected for supplementary feeding is included rice, musurdal, soyabean green vegetables and eggs for each normal child and pregnant ,lactating for each severely malnourished child . Pregnant & lactating mothers are receiving supplementary nutrition .
Anganwadi workers keep regular track of growth of child through key indicators like weight,height according to age etc.
Immunization facility which protects children against 6 killer diseases like TB, Diphtheria ,whooping cough ,Tetanus ,Polio myelities and Measles are available at Anganwadi Centres. Under Pulse-Polio Programme additional dose of OPV is given to all children below 5 years .
The Health check-up of all the beneficiaries under ICDS is being done by Health Staff by the help of Anganwadi workers in every sub centre & out reach camp.
Anganwadi workers are referring children who need medical care to PHC & Hospital using document / slip .
It is also mentioned here that Mothers meetings are held in every month at the AWCs & Survey area in presence of CDPO , Supervisors & AWWs to have detailed discussion in connection with above noted services and ensure monitoring the work respectively.
There are two major components under the scheme : one a nutrition component for out of schools girls in the age group of 11-14years and for all the girls in the age group of 14-18 yrs and second non-nutrition component for out of schools adolescent girls in the age group of 11-18 yrs and vocational training under NSDP for girls in the age group of 16 18 yrs .
All such activities of the scheme as instructed are being taken in to account in our project like to enable self development and empowerment of adolescent girls ,improvement in their health and nutrition status ,spread awareness about health hygiene ,nutrition adolescent reproductive and sexual health, family and child care .
A Kishori Card were distributed ,Kishori Diwas was observed and Sakhi Saheli Training was given from this ICDS project . A training kit is being provided to beneficiaries of Sabla. Dry food was supplied but at present there is no dry food to be supplied to Sabla beneficiaries Total No. of Sabla Beneficiaries are 9335 . 11-18yrs adolescent girls are 16532 both Ranaghat ICDS & Ranaghat [ Addl. ] ICDS Project .
There are 11 [ eleven ] malnourished children in our project . Arrangement for supply of low cost indigenously prepared protein rich energy dense supplements were given the children at the centre.
Sl. No | Centre No | Name of the children | Address | GP | Sex |
1 | 285 | Disha Biswas | Gazipur South | Tarapur | F |
2 | 36 | Sima Ray | Panpara Roypara | Ramnagar-II | F |
3 | 36 | Shibam Roy | Panpara Roypara | Ramnagar-II | M |
4 | 36 | Tapati Roy | Panpara Roypara | Ramnagar-II | F |
5 | 36 | Jayanta Roy | Panpara Roypara | Ramnagar-II | M |
6 | 40 | Nandini Roy | Raghabpur Uparpara | Ramnagar-II | F |
7 | 40 | Papia Roy | Raghabpur Uparpara | Ramnagar-II | F |
8 | 292 | Puja Biswas | Raghabpur Uparpara | Ramnagar-II | F |
9 | 293 | Animesh Biswas | Raghabpur Uparpara | Ramnagar-II | M |
10 | 295 | Suraj Karmakar | Raghabpur Uparpara | Ramnagar-II | M |
11 | 163 | Rehan Sk | Srinathpur Anulia | Anulia | M |
It is also mentioned here that apart from their allotted work in the centre they have to remain busy to perform various duties as and when assigned to them like Pulse polio , Election work , census , philareoa, sanitation BSY , Disability Survey & KSY etc.